sexta-feira, abril 29, 2005

arbusto / bush

Na autoestrada/ on the freeway.

a fazer o jantar / cooking the dinner

Odivelas (Portugal)

quinta-feira, abril 28, 2005

mastro / mast

Tejo, Lisboa/ Lisbon (Portugal)

quarta-feira, abril 27, 2005

faça-se luz / let there be light

terça-feira, abril 26, 2005

sobre o Tejo / over the Tejo (3)

Ponte 25 de Abril, Lisboa/ 25 de Abril bridge, Lisbon (Portugal)

sobre o Tejo / over the Tejo (2)

Ponte 25 de Abril, Lisboa/ 25 de Abril bridge, Lisbon (Portugal)

sobre o Tejo / over the Tejo (1)

Ponte 25 de Abril, Lisboa/ 25 de Abril bridge, Lisbon (Portugal)

segunda-feira, abril 25, 2005

dreams of a computer addict

cavalo / horse

EZN - Estação Zootécnica Nacional (Portugal)

25 de Abril sempre / April 25 forever!

April, 25
In this day, some soldiers and captains started a revolution, ending the dictatorship in Portugal, and making this country a democracy. The Portuguese people left to the streets and joined the military men.
One soldier tells one woman:
- Can you give me a cigarrette?
The woman answers:
- I don't have one, but I do have a carnation.
And the women put the flower in the soldier's gun. Soon everybody was giving carnations, and every soldier's gun had one. It's because of this that this revolution is said to be the carnation's revolution. It was one of the most peaceful revolutions the world have ever known; and the Portuguese democracy started to blossom.

domingo, abril 24, 2005

estrada perdida / lost road

Coentral, Lousã (Portugal)

casa perdida / lost house

Coentral, Lousã (Portugal)

mão árvore / tree hand

Coentral, Lousã (Portugal)

telhado / roof

Odivelas (Portugal)

sexta-feira, abril 22, 2005

trabalhador / worker

Óbidos (Portugal)

correio / mail

Odivelas (Portugal)

be quiet, the city is trying to sleep

Madrid (Espanha/ Spain)

leão de pedra / stone lion

Madrid (Espanha /Spain)

atrás das câmaras / behind the scene

Coentral, Lousã (Portugal)

quinta-feira, abril 21, 2005

sonho / dream

Na autoestrada/ On the highway (Portugal)


Na autoestrada/ On the highway (Portugal)

quarta-feira, abril 20, 2005

on the road

A caminho da Praia da Rocha/ On the way to Rocha Beach, Algarve (Portugal)

gran vía

Gran Vía, Barcelona (Espanha/Spain)

o cavaleiro / the knight

Palácio Real, Madrid (Espanha/Spain)

a room in silence

Estação Zootécnica Nacional - EZN (Portugal)
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