terça-feira, agosto 02, 2005

o meu avô / my grandfather

Santo António da Neve, Coentral, Castanheira de Pêra (Portugal)

My grandfather didn't realise I was taking a picture of him so there you have: this is the result.

O meu avô não chegou a perceber que eu lhe estava a tirar uma fotografia e aí têem: este é o resultado.


Blogger Sidney said...

Portraits are always better when the subject don't know about the camera. Your picture is proof.
Great portrait !

3:54 da tarde  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

I love the hat--I think all grandfathers the world over have this hat, or something similar (mine both did)!

7:10 da tarde  
Blogger isa xana said...

fiquei com saudades da minha avó
ao ver estas fotos

3:23 da tarde  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

A thoughtful portrait

12:15 da manhã  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Eu aqui
Tu aí
Ele ali
Nós amamos
Vós sabeis
Eles passam e admiram a força de um Carvalho

10:40 da tarde  
Blogger .bk said...

Hi, thanks for dropping a stamp on my blog. Haven't had much time to look at yours lately, but I'll stop by from time to time to see what goodies are hidden here.

As for this shot --- a great moment you captured there. What is he doing, blowing a whistle? Eating something? Very intriguing.

9:52 da tarde  

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