sábado, outubro 08, 2005

fim / end

(Nordreisa, Noruega)
Aqui está o Aslan, da Bélgica. Depois de um bom fim-de-semana em Nordreisa, tivemos que apagar a fogueira e finalmente voltar a casa.

(Nordreisa, Norway)
Here is Aslan, from Belgium. After a good weekend in Nordreisa, we had to put the fire down and finally return home.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

hello, Aslan !
Thanks your commento for my blog :

and your blog that I like it so much !
have a good day !

11:36 da manhã  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

nice pic... You are very talented with the camera. Maybe we can change some pictures at the end of the year if you want to...???

Greetings from Nordreisa - Ina

12:22 da tarde  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yes we can Ina.
Note to the first comment: I'm not Aslan. He is just the guy in the photo. Just to make sure everybody understood :D...

7:02 da tarde  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

I think the first person didn't understand, that you are not Aslan... :) By the way how are you tow?! ;)

4:01 da tarde  

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