domingo, outubro 09, 2005

(i'm not singing in the rain)

(Tromsø, Noruega)
Chuva na cidade... Gosto de fotos sobre chuva na cidade, não sei porquê.
(nota: e gosto dos pássaros...)

(Tromsø, Norway)
Raining in the city... I like photos about rain in the city, don't know why.
(note: and I like the birds...)


Blogger Sidney said...

This is not the kind of weather I enjoy.
Nice capture of the mood. Low clouds, dark, rain and two black birds looking at the scenery... !

4:38 da manhã  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

I like also the raining in the city. but this one a little of sadness.

11:27 da manhã  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

I really like Tromsø - okay it's raining every day but it's soooo beautiful and I think all is so nice... Did you every went to England or the USA? Tromsø is a mix between a city in Norway, in England and the USA - it's so funny... :)
Jeg håper det går bra med deg og du lærer mer norsk... :)

4:04 da tarde  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

WEather does not look so good - the picture seems a little on the dark side for my taste.

6:23 da tarde  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

well, my host 'tante' said that Trømso is nice city, but the weather is not really nice, me, myself, i wanna go there, hi Andre, eirik has been there, and told me that the weather was ot really good...
just enjoy then in Trømso...
men det er niddelyg bilde!

2:09 da tarde  

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